What People Are Saying About Us | A Look At Our Reviews

We are known as Springfield’s premier weight loss clinic because of our holistic approach to losing weight, among other reasons. We take the whole picture into consideration, meaning we will treat you and your body as an individual case. Each person is unique and must therefore be treated as such. Not every technique that has worked with a previous weight loss client of ours will be as effective with you. Not only does everyone have a different physical makeup, but the reason behind their weight might be much different than another’s.
But at the end of the day, there are measures that we take which work for the vast majority of our clients. If you are looking to lose weight in Springfield, Grandview, Sherman, or nearby, we would love if you gave us the opportunity to analyze your metabolism in concert with nutritional factors. At our weight loss clinic, we believe that you can achieve a lifetime of weight loss results. Not only will you lose weight in the present, but we will present you with the knowledge you need to make sure that you stay healthy from now on.
We are excited about the opportunity to highlight what our past clients are saying about working with Springfield Weight Loss Center. Our weight loss program has given so many people tangible weight loss without drugs, surgery, hunger, or even extensive exercise. When such an overwhelming amount of folks are willing to tell their story, we are thrilled to provide a platform where they can do so.
Before we dive into these testimonials, we’d like to take a brief moment to explain why positive reviews mean so much to us. And we aren’t alone in that either. With the age of the internet in full-swing, people are more and more likely to look into a business’ reputation to determine if they are worth a closer look. The fact of the matter is that every business, big or small, will receive some threshold of negative reviews. But when the response is so positive, that’s when you know a company, whether it’s a weight loss company or otherwise, is doing something right. When people stop to take the time to let others know about how their experience was working with our weight loss clinic, it means something. That’s why we are so thrilled to be able to share the success stories of our clients. Let’s get going!
“I Have More Energy To Exercise Now And Look Forward To It Everyday”
“I am very happy I signed up for Dr. Walton’s weight loss program. I have lost weight every week. I have more energy to exercise now and look forward to it everyday. I am down two sizes. I will admit the first couple weeks were hard because it was a whole lifestyle change, but glad I stuck with it because I am happier and healthier than I have been in a long time.” – Tina F., Springfield, IL
Talk about a change in mentality! When the majority of our clients first come in, finding the motivation to be active can be a daunting task. When you get in touch with your body and learn how to feel healthy, developing a repetition of behavior can turn into habits which turn into hobbies. Thanks for letting us know how we are doing, Tina!
“As Long As You Stay With The Diet You Will Lose The Weight”
“I was very skeptical when I went in and talked to Sabrina and Dr. Walton. I just was not sure if this would work. I took the weekend to think about it and talked it over with my wife. On Monday I called Sabrina and told her I would give it a try. I met with her and got the drops and started on this diet not really knowing what to expect. I wanted to lose 50 lbs. but did not know if that would be possible. After the first week I lost 5 lbs., and then another 5 lbs. and after two weeks I was completely off my blood pressure medicine. I felt great and continued to lose the weight. There was a couple of days where my weight would stay the same but after talking to Sabrina and Dr. Walton we changed a few things and the weight started coming off again. Don’t get me wrong there were days I got pretty hungry but as long as you stay with the diet you will lose the weight. I lost 37 lbs. in 6 weeks and feel great. Thanks to Sabrina and Dr. Walton for all the help.” – Chris V. Jacksonville, IL
Thank you for the kind words, Chris. We love testimonials like this because you can tell that there is no pretense or attempt to dress anything up. Yeah, you might get hungrier than usual at times (that’s unavoidable), but if you stick to the program you will lose weight and develop healthy habits which have impacts you may not have been able to imagine initially. Chris was able to get off of his blood pressure medicine, and he’s not the only one of our clients to be able to boast about that!
“This Program Has Provided Me The Tools To Change Bad Habits And Adopt A Lifestyle Change”
“I would like to thank Dr. Walton, Sabrina and the staff at Springfield Weight Loss Center for their support and guidance since I began the program. I, like many others have tried several times to lose weight and while usually successful, I didn’t change my eating habits and the weight came back. This program has provided me the tools to change bad habits and adopt a lifestyle change. I will use this knowledge to continue to lose until I reach my goal weight and live without fear of gaining it back. Thanks again to everyone for your support, past and continued.” – Linda T. Petersburg, IL
Linda, we appreciate you taking the time to let others in Springfield know about our weight loss program. We’ve heard her story many times. We aren’t claiming that we are the only weight loss center that will help you lose weight. That would be silly and untrue. We are going to tell you that we set you up to lose the weight from now on, though. We give you the tools so that you can achieve long-term, sustainable results without feeling like you are on a diet or have to work out x times per week to keep the weight off!
“My Daily Blood Sugar Went Down…To An Average In The 90s”
“After going on Medicare I had my doctor change my diabetic medications to affordable tier one medicines, then my A1C was from 5.9 to 7.1 average. My doctor suggested changing my eating habits and losing weight. I’ve tried losing weight so many times, lose a few pounds, then bottom out, get discouraged and then gain the weight back, so I was skeptical about trying this diet. With this diet within six weeks I lost 31 pounds and 17 1/4 inches, but most important my daily blood sugar went down from an average in the 150’s to an average in the 90’s, not to mention losing 5 1/2 inches from my belly, and my energy level greatly increased. Dr. Walton and his staff are very supportive and great to work with, the only question I ask myself is why I waited so long to make the call to get an appointment with them and start this program. I would recommend making the call to Springfield Weight Loss Center.” – Mike P. Springfield, IL
This is why we love doing what we do. Yes, shaving off those inches from your waistline can do wonders for your confidence, but the ripple-effect that so many of our weight loss clients have experienced shouldn’t be diminished. People like Mike often report to us how they have more energy and that they are able to change their medication based on their renewed health. Thank you, Mike, for letting us all know the impact that Dr. Walton and our staff at Springfield Weight Loss Center has participated in.
“I Am No Longer On A Diet”
“I came to Dr. Walton and the Springfield Weight Loss Center looking for answers to the age old question, “Why am I not losing weight?” After receiving much needed guidance, along with weight loss tools, I was able to follow their plan and lose a total of 22 lbs and 13.75 inches in six weeks. Now that I’m in the maintenance phase, I’m very excited with the new tools provided by Dr. Walton and his staff! I am no longer on a diet; it’s a welcomed new way of life which has finally yielded weight loss results!” – Rhonda L. Springfield, IL
Rhonda, we are thrilled you chose to work with the weight loss specialists of Springfield, Springfield Weight Loss Center. Dr. Walton and our staff are able to provide people with a variety of ailments the capability to make real changes in their lives. We are excited to have helped you find a new way of life.
Consider Springfield’s Top Weight Loss Clinic
So there you have it. You’ve heard from just a few of the many clients we’ve been lucky enough to work with. We want to help members of our community gain the knowledge and motivation they need to achieve real results. If you are ready to take control of your metabolism, reduce the inflammatory foods in your diet, and begin your new way of life with a renewed source of energy, Springfield Weight Loss Center is worth your consideration. Learn more about how to lose weight in Springfield by reaching out to us today!
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
Springfield Weight Loss Center
1229 South 6th Street Suite B
Springfield, IL 62703
(217) 544-4001